fredag den 24. februar 2017


This is an idea for a short film I have worked on for a while. The idea is a hill billy white trash olympics. 3 guys compete in a dash to win the gold. None of the contestants are qualified to do athletic stuff, but they are trying to impress the hot pregnant lady, who is the real prize.
I thought of having 3 guys and 3 gals, but I shorted it down to 3 guys and one girl, so the midget is out of the story.
I also thought of having a "real" athelete, so he,might show up later He will be big and strong and streamlined.

-The project will consist of the 3 guys doing several disciplines, but completing them in their own way. All olympic disciplines are allowed.

-The project will be made in Flash, with standard puppet characters, but with the freedom to animate them frame by frame if needed.

Sketches for characters:

torsdag den 23. februar 2017


A while ago I stumbled over a list of Animation exercises, known as "animation push ups". They start pretty simple, and get really hard, and fun later. So I decided to do them and add the to my instagram @steffanweber_sketched.
There are no rule on how quickly I have to do them, but I did do a few anyway:
-I have to do them all using wacom pad.
-Im doing them in Flash.
-every frame has to be drawn, other than pauses.
-no cheating with shapes or tweens or any of that stuff.

I will post them here or in "animations" when I have enough to bundle. Otherwise, check them out at my instagram: @steffanweber_sketched

the list from level 1: